International Bicycle Day: how bicycles make our lives better - Beautiful Lifestyle Magazine

International Bicycle Day: how bicycles make our lives better

Всемирный день велосипеда: как велосипеды делают нашу жизнь лучше
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To celebrate International Bicycle Day, Beautiful Lifestyle Magazine will tell you why cycling is fantastic and how bicycles improve our lives.

In 2018, the UN General Assembly proclaimed June 3 International Cycling Day. The main idea of ​​this holiday is to inspire people all over the world to start cycling because this type of transport can improve our life in a matter of seconds.

First, cycling is a great cardio workout. An hour of cycling increases endurance, improves blood circulation in the body, and also burns about 1000 calories. It is worth noting that regular cycling reduces the risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and arthritis.


Всемирный день велосипеда: как велосипеды делают нашу жизнь лучше

Cycling not only helps you stay healthy and keep fit. Also, the bicycle is the most environmentally friendly mode of transport. Using a bike instead of a car significantly reduces polluting emissions and has a positive impact on the climate.

For those who can’t wait to get started pedaling and hitting the road, Beautiful Lifestyle Magazine has prepared a list of the best cycling apps.

1. Spotify

Any sports activity is always best accompanied by music. The Spotify app compiles playlists for every mood, including the ones designed for cycling. However, if you don’t like the music offered by the service, you can always create your playlist in the app.

2. Strava

The Strava app is a social network for cyclists. In addition to the fact that the service records the travel time, travel speed, and route, you can also use the app to communicate with like-minded people, share picturesque cycling trails, and arrange group rides.

Всемирный день велосипеда: как велосипеды делают нашу жизнь лучше

3. Runtastic Road Bike

The Runtastic Road Bike app allows you to find cycling routes near a given location, as well as create your own. The application is convenient because the maps are also available offline.

4. Endomondo

The Endomondo service offers various training complexes for cyclists. There are three workouts to choose from: cycling, gravel riding, and mountain biking. The application calculates the necessary load for the user and records the results based on the training results.

Do not forget to monitor your health, improve stamina, and boost immunity. After all, as you know, in a healthy body, there is a healthy mind!

Anastasia Zhukova
Anastasia Zhukova
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