Elon Musk is in the top five of the wealthiest people according to Forbes - Beautiful Lifestyle Magazine

Elon Musk is in the top five of the wealthiest people according to Forbes

Илон Маск впервые вошел в пятерку богатейших людей по версии Forbes
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For the first time, Elon Musk entered the top five of the wealthiest people in the world, according to Forbes. Tesla shares rose to $1,668 per share, increasing Elon Musk’s fortune by $ 5.1 billion in one day. As of July 21, Elon Musk’s fortune is estimated at $74.2 billion.

The first in the list is still the founder of Amazon Jeff Bezos ($ 184 billion), followed by the president of the LVMH group Bernard Arnault ($ 113.3 billion). The third place on the list belongs to Bill Gates ($ 113.4 billion), the fourth place is taken by the founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg ($ 90.3 billion).

Anastasia Zhukova
Anastasia Zhukova


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