The year 2019 has been quite successful for Giambattista Valli: Last May the designer collaborated with H&M, and Kendall Jenner presented it at amfAR Gala in Cannes. The collection which became available on the following day brought Gaimbattista 600 million mentions on social media. Two months later the designer dressed Charlotte Casiraghi, Grace Kelly’s granddaughter, for her wedding with Dimitri Rassam. According to the couturier the most successful on Instagram related to him was the photo of his mesh dress pictured at Camp: Notes On Fashion exhibition.
It is no wonder the designer chose a three-hour long museum exhibition over a traditional catwalk show at the Paris Fashion Week following his social media success. At Shangri-La hotel the guests saw 30 dresses designed by Valli. In this format spectators could notice any mistake that could be glossed over during a catwalk show.
The so-called exhibition started off with mannequins dressed in puffy mesh skirts; later on the guests moved on to rooms displaying the fine art of crafting couture dresses as well as the designer’s obsessive ideas: dresses with long meshed skirting. Many dresses paid homage referenced the flower garden from the Birds Of Paradise collection. For instance, the pink taffeta bustier dress is made of peony petals stitched together, while the white dress with a graphic shoulder cut is decorated with fine embroidery shaped as dahlias and roses.
A single meshed dress by Giambattista Valli requires around 300 hours of manual labour: all just to turn its owner into an impossibly beautiful bloom for a few hours.
Written by Polina Vorobyova
Translated by Tony Savosin