Healthy dietary rules by the renowned dietarian Lidia Ionova.
In an attempt to have a healthy and aesthetic body modern people come to the most diverse researches and discoveries. In a world where the not-so-healthy food industry pushes forward more and more temptations dietetics are on the front line. Lidia Ionova is one of Russia’s best known experts on healthy alimentation. She has developed her own method of changing the way of life, consulted numerous TV on Russia’s Channel One, NTV, and other channels, and taken part in international conventions including European Congress on Obesity. Her books “Healthy Habits. Dr. Ionova’s Diet” and “Dr. Ionova’s Healthy Recipes” rank among bestsellers. Still, the doctor’s main achievement is the long and successful run of Dr. Ionova’s Clinic.
– Today the market offers numerous methods of losing weight and staying in shape as well as healthy foods and diets of all sorts…
– My method stands out from the rest because it does not require dropping any food or eating a limited range of products, it is more of a process of forming healthy dietary habits which inevitably lead to a healthy weight. The method is aimed at solving several problems at a time. This includes forming healthy and regular habits firstly in the alimentary system and lifestyle, controlling the urge to eat, and forming a new conscious attitude towards food and self-care.
– How deep do you have to go to uncover the problem of your patents’ extra weight? Which diagnostic methods do you use to unveil the reasons for obesity?
– There may be many reasons for obesity including lifestyle, eating habits, medical, genetic, and psychologic factors. One can only say ‘fare well’ to extra weight by discovering and eliminating all the reasons for which it formed in the first place. On the average it takes six months of personal consultations or ten weeks of the “Healthy Habits” course and eight weeks of the “Urge Management” course in the online school, a total of four and a half months.

You have worked with patients for the past twenty years. Is it fair to say that they have acquired a healthier approach to the treatment? Do they follow the advice to get to the desired shape?
– They have become more conscious and more adequate. There are more people who right off the bat say they need a psychologist, not just a dietarian. Two decades ago this was unthinkable. The word ‘psychologist’ reminded people of Soviet oppressive psychiatry. However, there are examples of the opposite. It should be clear that a fast-paced life alongside tons of information often do not let us feel our bodies or understand our true desires. I call this ‘the hamster trance’. Some people live like hamsters sunning inside a wheel, and more people live unconsciously.
– How do you motivate your patients? How do you persuade the patients to adhere to your advice, and how do you control it on various stages of the treatment?
– I help them find their true ‘what for’. Once it’s pinpointed, there is no need for carrots or sticks. People can only be motivated by their real goals. However, it takes time and — most importantly — trust to uncover them.
– Hundreds or even thousands of people have started a new life thanks to Dr. Ionova’s Clinic…
– I opened the clinic back in 2002 when not many people knew what a dietarian was. I’ve come a long way since then. Now is the time for a change. That is why I’m changing the pattern and transferring the work online. Modern technologies allow people in different towns and countries use the method that has been available exclusively to Muscovites for the past years. Indeed I have helped several thousand people. I can now aid even more people who need help. I’ve always been motivated by this. That is why I wrote books to uncover the principles of my methods to regular readers. Many coworkers used to ask me ‘why do you reveal your secrets?’ while I kept talking about them on my lectures and master classes as well as on air. Why do I do this? Because I’m happy to see my clients, subscribers, and online alumni change.

– What symptoms mean one should go see a dietarian?
– In case they aim at changing their dietary habits, and they can’t do it themselves. Not every dietarian has the skills of changing their patients’ habits. In addition to being a medical professional I am also a psychologist, emotional intellect coach, and a mindfulness practitioner. I am determined to go forward as I love adding adjacent techniques to my system, including the likes of conscious approach and neurophysiology.
– How important is it for you to adhere to the principles of evidentiary medicine?
– Any medical activity is based on the principles of evidentiary medicine. It takes a lot of experience to tell commercial or affiliated researches from truly scientific works. I hope to have this skill as I have taken part in international conventions since 2003. The media ask for my comments on breaking news in the area. – How do you stay safe from incompetent so-called experts?
– It might get hard. I would say, it takes wisdom.
– How important is exercise combined with the diet in the way to a perfect result? What type of workout suits best?
– Physical activity (I advise against using the word ‘workout’) is an important part of changing dietary habits, but not the decisive one. Everybody knows people who always go to the gym but never lose weight. Obese people need to lose weight first and then gradually start introducing physical activity starting from walking. The safest bet is Nordic walking. Later one may find the type of activity which brings the most pleasure. Only this way it might be integrated into one’s lifestyle. Some like dancing, others prefer boxing.

– Our autumn issue is dedicated to all things inspiration. What inspires you? How do you energize yourself for creativity?
– I get inspired by my clients, my family and friends. I taught myself to be happy about every single moment: walking, the weather, light breeze on my skin or beautiful objects. I also get energized by the conscious approach. I’ve been practicing since 2012. I love travelling and discovering new things. My mom says I am mental for spending the whole life to study *smiles*. However, this is what gives me pleasure and inspires me.