Copenhagen Fashion Week will take place in August as planned - Beautiful Lifestyle Magazine

Copenhagen Fashion Week will take place in August as planned

Copenhagen Fashion Week пройдет в августе в офлайн-формате
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The organizers of Copenhagen Fashion Week decided to hold the event in August in person, as planned. Cecil Thorsmark, the chief executive of the CFW, has assured that all the activities during the fashion week will meet applicable regulatory requirements. The organizers of the CFW believe that despite the pandemic, this event is still crucial for establishing communication between designers, buyers and clients, and the industry’s development.

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We are excited to announce that the upcoming SS21 edition of Copenhagen Fashion Week will take place 9-12 August 2020. “We’re fortunate that the Danish society is opening up much more quickly than expected, making it possible for us to hold Copenhagen Fashion Week very close to the originally scheduled dates. All of our activities will of course be set up to meet applicable regulatory requirements” states Cecilie Thorsmark, CEO of Copenhagen Fashion Week. The decision to move fashion week from 4-7 August to 9-12 August 2020 was made based on a close collaboration between Copenhagen Fashion Week, the trade fairs @ciffdk and @revolvertradeshow , and the industry organisations @dmogt and Wear after having closely monitored the situation since the lockdown of Denmark in the middle of March. Several dates have been in play, with the final decision based on multiple factors, most importantly health safety and what is best for the industry.

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Copenhagen Fashion Week will take place from August 9 to 12.

Anastasia Zhukova
Anastasia Zhukova


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