Chanel has increased prices on its bags in 2020.
Countries begin to lift quarantine measures, and fashion brands are starting to recover. Chanel has confirmed an increase in prices on several of Chanel’s iconic bags. At the moment, the changes affected only the European market. However, on the Chanel official website, the cost of the bags is not listed. It may indicate an increase in prices on the items around the world.
The brand has confirmed that the increase will range from 4% to 25%. For example, there was only a 4% increase on a Chanel Boy bag, while the Mini Square Flap Bag increased in price by 25%.
The editors of Beautiful Lifestyle magazine publish current prices for Chanel’s bags, based on data from
Though not only Chanel has increased the prices for its products. Earlier, brands such as Louis Vuitton and Hermès announced an increase as well.