Johnny Depp created an Instagram account to support his fans during the COVID-19 pandemic - Beautiful Lifestyle Magazine

Johnny Depp created an Instagram account to support his fans during the COVID-19 pandemic

Джонни Депп завёл Инстаграм, чтобы поддержать поклонников во время пандемии коронавируса
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A Hollywood star Johnny Depp joined the Instagram social network and attracted almost 2 million followers in one day. in less than a day.

The actor explained that he has finally found a reason to join this social network: “Now is the time to open up a dialogue, as the threat of this invisible enemy has already caused immeasurable tragedies and damage to people’s lives.”

Johnny Depp posted an 8-minute video in which he talks about how important it is to support each other in such a difficult time. To encourage his fans, the actor presented a cover of John Lennon’s song “Isolation.” This song is from his new music album, which the actor has been creating for several years with his guitarist Jeff Beck.

Anastasia Zhukova
Anastasia Zhukova


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