Pushkin Museum launches a series of virtual tours - Beautiful Lifestyle Magazine

Pushkin Museum launches a series of virtual tours

Пушкинский музей запускает серию виртуальных туров
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Yesterday, Beautiful Lifestyle magazine wrote about the closing of state museums in Moscow due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, today it became known about the new initiative of the Pushkin Museum. A.S. Pushkin: in collaboration with LG Signature, the museum is launching a series of virtual tours.

In addition to the tour of the museum exposition, LG and the Pushkin Museum offer the viewer several films about the Impressionists. The cycle will open with a film dedicated to the work of Claude Monet.

Tours are available for viewing on the IVI virtual platform, but please note that to visit the exhibition, you must be a subscriber of this service.


Anastasia Zhukova
Anastasia Zhukova


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